Project-based learning "Tell me and i forget, show me and i remember, involve me and i understand"

Project-based learning is an approach wich usesmethod such an inquiry-based learnig to develop students' competences.

Project step: 1.intention (definition of the idea)

2. planning (the frame work)

3.execution(creation of the product,project presentation)

4.conclusion and documentation

Preliminary Checklist to Develop a PBL Approach

What is your project idea?

What is the time frame proposed?

Is the project idea manageable?

Is it a project just between you and your class or will you collaborate with other teachers in your school ?

If it involves What subjects could be integrated into this project?

What technical tools, if any, will you use?

How does your project fit with the school planning and calendar?

“We do not learn from experience; we learn from reflecting on experience.” John Dewey

The whole purpose of PBL is to encourage pupils to research and to find answers and solutions, to help them develop higher-order thinking skills: analyse the information they find, interpret it and compare their findings, synthesis the ideas, evaluate its strengths and weaknesses, peer and self-assess it, find solutions and create a new product. Students are given a real life problem to investigate, which can be described as an authentic problem and have to come up with possible solutions. It may be widely applied to all kinds of real life problems. The solutions can then be discussed and tested to see which will work best in a given situation. Students have to work in small teams or groups.

Teaching Key Competences through Project Based Learning

Each of the approaches to understanding of 21st century skills and how they fit with our notions of education and the function it serves, emphasises skills that diverge from modern traditional notions of academic disciplines. They all actually identify enabling skills - skills that we need to navigate our global society. They converge on a common set of 21st century competences - collaboration, communication, ICT literacy, and social and/or cultural competencies; and most include creativity, critical thinking, productivity, and problem-solving.

Newer approaches to summative assessment, such as portfolios, ICT-based assessments that can measure the quality open-ended performances, or simulations showing how students carry out a complex process, are more appropriate.

Teachers may uncover how well students understand complex concepts through extended dialogues that build on a series of questions. Questions should be designed to reveal possible misconceptions. Teachers should avoid “yes” or “no” questions or questions that stress recall. They may also provide feedback with specific suggestions on what learners need to do to improve their work and meet learning goals. Feedback may be scaffolded. That is – teachers provide as much or as little information as the student needs to progress to next steps. These techniques all support the development of higher-order thinking skills.

Any kind of assessment, including summative assessment will be most effective when based on multiple measures over time. This is because no single test or classroom interaction on one day can really capture what a student is able to do.

E-portfolios may include audio-visual files and Internet links. As an example, students may use the multimedia functions of ICT to show how they would perform a physics experiment or some other problem-solving task. Developing and reviewing e- portfolios can help learners to develop digital competence, social competence, learning to learn and problem-solving skills. Students may use ICT-based platforms for peer assessment and learning.

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