Butterflies All about butterfliEs

A mother butterfly lays many eggs on a leaf. It can lay about 200 eggs, at one time!

Butterfly is laying eggs.

A butterfly has three body parts to make it an insect. The body parts are, head, thorax , and abdomen.

Butterflies 3 body parts

When a caterpillar turns into a butterfly, it turns into a chrysalis.

Butterfly chrysalis

Butterflies shed there skin four or five times.

Caterpillar shedding its skin

A butterfly can live in forests, gardens, and cities.


Created with images by edgarpierce - "Butterfly" • nblumhardt - "Eggs" • putative3 - "tortoiseshell butterfly macro" • sparkielyle - "chrysalis caterpillar butterfly" • SidPix - "Monarch Life Cycle — 5 of 20"

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