Alaska The isolation CONTINUES

This is an amazing place. Has a really cool atmosphere to it as you think about it you basically think of an cold colorful place with a lot of ice to it. The reason why this place is isolated is because of its cold atmosphere as well as people would have difficulties receiving food there.

As you can see this place is amazing but the reason why it's isolated because living here is very hard since you would have to find homes around here as well as getting used to the weather and finding food to survive on while living here.

It would also be difficult for people to get to their destinations in vehicles since there is a lot of snow in this place and most people drive vehicles so that's also why this place is isolated.

As you can see in this image people have to get used to the weather but look very uncomfortable by the way they are dressed. These people have to stay warm in places like this but people love weather that's warm and places like this don't really receive warm weather often and this is why this place is isolated.

Created By
Siyabonga Mfundo Tumelo Genge

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