YOUR COUNTRY. YOUR VOICE. don'T just watch the news. BE the news.

Got five minutes? Then open your mouth. Open your ears. And be prepared to open your heart. Have a live one-to-one video chat with someone from the "other side". Disagree if you want. Make your point clear. But be sure to show some courtesy and let them make theirs. Remember, they are your fellow American. So show them the same respect that you would like to be shown. Speak clearly, and listen up. We hope you'll find some common ground.


Created with images by Pexels - "american flag close-up flag" • husnil24 - "girl hijab smile" • rottonara - "farmer smile man" • skeeze - "clasped hands comfort hands" • - "Airsoft Skirmisher" • phunkstarr - "Hilbilly poster"

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