My Trip to the Museum By: Jonathan Stockhausen

The picture below is me inside the butterfly exhibit. This sanctuary was especially appealling to me because I was able to interact with these live butterflies. There is not another section in the museum that offers that kind of experience. I enjoyed the design of the butterfly cage because it was large and very open. It didn't seem like the butterflies were trapped, but rather living comfortably in a safe environment. By being here, I realized that just because a creature lives inside a cage doesn't mean they live miserable lives. As someone who enjoys animals and insects, this experience truly was enjoyable for me.

By visiting the museum, I really think I was able to step outside of my ordinary life. The picture below how humans lived hundreds of years ago. Here, a neanderthal is carrying a small shark that is probably going to be cooked for a meal. It forces me to stop and think about how my life today is so much different than someone who lived such a long time ago. It helps me understand where I came from and how much the human race has progressed. This figure definitely increased my respect for just how strong and independent these people were.

Even though I've already showed a picture of my experience at the butterfly sancturary, I think that this picture fits the description for "Nature and the Human Spirit". As I was sitting on one of the benches, I was able to love, respect, and admire nature. It made me feel at peace for the moment as I was surrounded by so many green trees and plants. As for the next picture, I was viewing an American Mastodon, and it made me feel so miniscule in this world. Here I am, standing next to a part of nature that could demolish me with a footstep. The size of this animal took its toll on the toddler's face next to me, who seemed like he had just seen a ghost. His jaw was dropped and his eyes were wide open.

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