Northern California The Rainy Trip

February 2017 I had a chance to come to an awesome conference and spend a few days here. Just so happens California is having epic rain, flooding, evacuations because of possible dam breaks, and I witnessed roads just falling away. However, I pushed on to she Redwood Trees and a small piece of the Lost Coast.

Yes, that's a boulder in the road!!
The Redwoods!!!

The Avenue of the Giants!

Up to 360 feet tall and a width at the base of 22 feet

Redwoods only thrive in about 100 miles of California coast.

Redwoods can sprout from these buds you see above my hand when one falls.

100 plus inches of rain needed.

Unbelievable! They put your in perspective!

Shelter Cove - Way Way off the path!! Unbelievably beautiful.

The Lost Coast

Black Sands Beach

These are 20 to 40 foot waves breaking.

This is not a filter.

Last stop a winery!
Created By
Stan McMichael

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