Goldfield Ghost Town created by: MAKAyla Gee

Goldfield Ghost Town is one of Apache Junction's overlooked treasures. Located far from the city, this western remodel takes visitors back to 1892 Arizona.
caution: large amount of bees may swarm around areas with lots of food. if allergic, visit with caution
Goldfield also hosts photoshoots in need of rustic barn doors to old wooden bridges
Perry High School student Zayna modeled for Advanced Digital Photography's project at the ghost town
The students also learn how to make adjustments to photos such as the one above. The original (left) reveals some of the clips and underlying fabric. The new edit (right) is redone so the clip and fabric line can no longer be seen.
Staff are also very helpful in modeling with the subject to help create a story within the photo.
Goldfield Ghost Town is a fantastic place for students to shoot pictures and display the authenticity of the setting in Apache Junction.

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