Africa-The Past and Present Brystan and Seirra

Land Use

The main way people in africa use the land is for subsistence farming. This causes them problems, because subsistence farming is only for their family and community, not used for selling, so they do not get any money.

Natural Resources

Valuable resources that are found in Africa are gold and diamonds. Africa mines about half of the world’s gold!!!

Democratic Republic of Congo

The minerals they have are gold, tin, tungsten, and tantalum. Armed Rebel groups take control of the mines, and they keep control by bribing the government to stay out.

GDP Per Capita

The five nations with the highest GDP Per Capita are: Maritius - $12,800, South Africa - $11,100, Botswana - $9,200, Namibia - $7,300, Seychelles - $7,800. 16 nations

Life Expectancy

28 of the countries in Africa have the lowest life expectancy. The huge reason for this is HIV/AIDS. 23.8 million people are infected by HIV/AIDS.

Powerful Trading Empires

The Three West African Kingdoms are The Kingdom of Ghana, The Kingdom of Mali, and The Kingdom of Songhai.The trade network that they participated in is the Trans-Saharan Trade Network.They were in power for the years 800 CE-1600 CE.The two commodities they traded were gold and salt. The North brought the salt and the West brought the gold.Slaves on the Trans-Saharan Network

Slaves on the Trans-Saharan Network

The North African Muslim tribes traded for African slaves because they could not enslave other Muslims. Muslims and African slave traders primarily used slaves for serving in the military. The Muslim enslavement of Africans was different from the European enslavement of Africans, because the Muslims treated them better, let them own their own property and slaves, it was easier for them to earn and keep their freedom, and they could serve as generals in the military, if they proved they were good leaders.

King Mansa Musa and Timbuktu

Mansa Musa was the king of The Kingdom of Mali. He was estimated to be the richest man of all time. On his hajj he brought along 80 camels, each carrying 300 pounds of gold with them each, he brings back Muslim scholars, and architects to build cities with mosques and schools in Timbuktu. Timbuktu was established as a center of Islamic learning.

Ibn Battuta: Explorer

Ibn Battuta was 21 when he began his travels. He set out from the city and country of Tangier, Morocco. He traveled about 75,000 miles of Africa and Asia. He spent 30 years exploring. When his travels were over he settled down in Fez, Morocco, and dictated his memoir ‘A Gift to the Observers Concerning the Curiosities of the Cities and the Marvels Encountered in Travels’, and he died at the age of 64.


Created with images by Hamed Saber - "The Nomads' Simple Life" • JamesDeMers - "treasure jewels pearls" • US Army Africa - "MEDFLAG 2010, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, September 2010" • Moving Mountains Trust - "Boy with jiggers in his feet, shelters from sun in his doorway, Solio Settlement, C Kenya" • WorldpressPictures - "poverty begging exclusion" • cafecredit - "Giving money" • USDAgov - "20111110-OC-AMW-287" • chiefprogrammer - "Would you play for me?" • LoggaWiggler - "khiva al khwarazmi universal scholar"

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