A Brand New U Make it count!

It’s that time of year again…. You want to get active, but making that resolution is much easier than actually sticking to it. It doesn’t have to be that hard, check out our tips to make getting off that couch just a little easier!

Crank up the tunes: Save the silence for meditation class. Workouts are meant to be energetic! Create a perfect playlist and pump the tunes to get better results.

  • Start small: Set yourself realistic goals! If 150 minutes of physical activity a week seems like a lot, don't worry, break it down into ten minute sessions and build up from there. Exercise at home: You can still keep in shape by staying put at home. Housework, washing the dog and gardening are all physical activities that burn calories and help keep you fit.

Exercise at home: You can still keep in shape by staying put at home. Housework, washing the dog and gardening are all physical activities that burn calories and help keep you fit.

Park and walk: How many times have you circled the car park to find “the” spot? Spare yourself the stress and gain more energy by parking far away and walk a little further.

There’s an app for that: Physical activity apps can guide and track you through specific activities at a time that’s convenient to you – meaning that fitting activity into our hectic schedule is now more achievable than ever.

Reward yourself: Recognise when you achieve your goals. Think of things that you could reward yourself with, like a copy of your favourite magazine, a new pair of trainers or a massage.

To keep up with more tips take a look at the Active Wirral Facebook page.

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