Dwight D. Eisenhower 34th President

President Eisenhower was born in Texas and raised in Kansas. Eisenhower had 2 children, one of his sons died early due to scarlet fever, his name was Doud Dwight(1917-1921) and his second sons name was John Sheldon Doud (1922-2013). Eisenhower set his career to be a part of the Military in which he was very successful. Throughout this career came difficulties with making time to see his family. Eisenhower was born on October 14, 1890 and died July 1, 1969.

Presidency: Eisenhower severed a 8 year starting at 1953 and ending at 1961. One of the major event that happened during Eisenhower's presidency was the cold war and how Eisenhower worked to stop it. Eisenhower obtained a truce in Korea incessantly during his two terms to ease the tension of the cold war. The Vietnam war had started November 1, 1955 which was little after he started his first term as president. The war then did not end until after he final term, the war didn't end until April 30, 1975. Also the Rosenberg execution. Eisenhower refused ti grant the Rosenberg clemency. This then caused the cold war to begin between the U.S and the Soviet Union.

Interesting Facts/Quote: One fact is Eisenhower had a heart attack after meeting with the leaders of the British, France, and Russian Governments. A second fact is Eisenhower had a meeting with Russia to develop hydrogen bombs. A final fact about Eisenhower is he was the first President to ride in a helicopter.

Quote: " What count is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight- its the size of the fight in the dog"


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