Shakespeare Kyleigh Kuzma English period 1

Thesis - Shakespeare was influential throughout his early, middle, and late life subtopics.

Early Life

Quote 1 - “The plays of Shakespeare's first period have much in common, though they consist of comedies, histories, and a tragedy” (Lander). In this quote, shakespeare started out his career with comedies, histories, and tragedies. And continues with those genres throughout his life. Did he come up with any new genres along his journey through life?

Quote 2 - “In his first period, Shakespeare’s use of language indicates that he was still struggling to develop his own flexible poetic style” (Lander). In this quote, When Shakespeare started out his career, he struggled to find his own ideas, for his plays. He needed to find the right style and genre for him. When Shakespeare started out his career, he struggled to find his own ideas, for his plays.

Quote 3 - “Speeches often use highly patterned schemes that involve word and sound repetitions” (Beers). Speeches were used in plays, more common than lines. In other words long speeches were used in Shakespeare's plays, where as in today’s plays short lines are used more frequently. If the actors read long speeches as lines, how long were the plays?

Middle Life

Quote 4 - “Every play of this period shows Shakespeare's awareness of the tragic side of life” (Beers). During Shakespeare's middle period, his tragedies became more popular. That was the type of plays that were in back then.

Quote 5 - “ Particularly in his histories and comedies of this period, Shakespeare demonstrated his genius for weaving various dramatic actions into a unified plot, rather than writing a series of loosely connected episodes” (Beers). Shakespeare used drama and his plot to make his scenes flow. He had very few scenes, he liked to just have long scenes, rather than stopping a lot with smaller scenes. I didn't know Shakespeare had few long scenes rather that a bunch of smaller scenes but what i do know is that Shakespeare used mainly drama and comedy for his plays.

Quote 6 - “Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy based on The Tragicall History of Romeus and Juliet(1562), a poem by the English author Arthur Brooke. The play was probably first performed in 1596 and was first published in 1597” (Beers). Romeo and Juliet was performed for the first time in 1596. Romeo and Juliet was a story of Romeo and Juliet's families were in a feud, and they couldn't love each other, so the only way they could be together, was to kill themselves

Quote 7 - “During his second period, Shakespeare brought historical drama and Elizabethan romantic comedy to near perfection” (Bloom). As Shakespeare got more and more into plays, his skills became more advanced, and more people started to watch his plays. He became and expert on historical Drama and Elizabethan romantics, as well as other romantics. Shakespeare loved to used historical background so it was expected of him to want to use that skill in his plays, and it was used perfectly.

Late Life

Quote 8 - “The London theater, in Shakespeare’s day, was composed of companies of men and boys (women were not allowed on the Renaissance English stage but were played by young men or boys) who performed in public playhouses roughly modeled on old innyards” (Bradbook). Quote 9 - “Throughout his career, Shakespeare was attentive to the desires of his audience”. Shakespeare wanted others to approve of him and his plays, so he changed things up every once in awhile to keep his audience intrigued. Shakespeare's care for his audiences approves worked to his advantage, because his plays were one of the most popular at this time.

Quote 10 - “The four romances by Shakespeare are beautifully constructed, and their poetry ranks among Shakespeare’s finest writing” (Peter). But unlike his masterpieces of the third period, the romances seem detached from reality. Shakespeare was trying to shake things up a bit, so that people didn't get bored with his plays. Some people say that Shakespeare was writing his plays about his past life, and others say that he was just trying to change things up for popularity. So people wouldn't get bored of his plays.

Works Cited

Lander, Jesse M. “Shakespeare, William.” World Book Advanced. World Book, 2016. Web. 8 Dec. 2016

Beers, G. Kylene, et al. Holt Literature & Language Arts: Mastering the California Standards

Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking. Austin, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 2003

Bradbrook, Muriel C. Shakespeare, the Poet in His World. London: Weidenfeld, 1978. Print

Alexander, Peter. Shakespeare’s Life and Art. Reprint. London: Nisbet, 1961. Print

Bloom, Harold, ed. Elizabethan Drama. Philadelphia: Chelsea, 2004. Print


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