Robert Frost Devin Gordon

Robert Frosts background:

Robert Frost was born in San Frisco, California. He spent 11 years of his childhood there, until his journalist father died of tuberculosis. Following the death of his father, Frost moved in with his mother and sister in Lawrence, Massachusetts. After a while they then moved with his grandparents and Frost attended school where he met his future wife. They soon had children and he then acclimated himself to rural life. He then began writing poems, but had trouble getting them published. Frost's poems had simple language and most of the situations were about the everyday man. Because he lived on a farm, many of his poems were set in the countryside and about country life. He left the farm and moved to England. His poems were well liked there and he was published. His walks in England were inspiration for some his best and most famous poems . When he returned to the states, his poems were popular. During his lifetime he received more than 40 honorary degrees and in 1924 he was awarded his first of four Pulitzer prizes. Then in January he died from complications related to prostate surgery.


  • He was named after the famous confederate general Robert E Lee.
  • Robert and his wife both graduated high school as valedictorians from high school.
  • He had his first poem punished in 1894. It was called "My butterfly: an Elegy;".
  • His personal life was marred by grief and suffering.
  • He was the first poet to honor a U.S. President at an inauguration.
  • His most famous poem is "A Road Not Taken"

"Robert Frost - Educator, Poet -" Robert Frost - Educator, Poet - A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 29 Nov. 2016.

Frost, Robert. "After Apple Picking." Poetry Foundation. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Dec. 2016.

By Devin Gordon

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