Her By zara thomas, colby kusterbeck, ariana rodriguez, and hailey parnell


Rylie is a happy girl living with her parents but all the sudden her family adopts a new girl the same age as her Her name was... Ashley. They do not like each other. Rylie claims Ashley is ruining her life. But all of the sudden their mom has a terrible sickness. Will these girls help each other or will they continue fighting?

Rylie the Happy Girl

I was so happy

Until, BOOM, that girl came here.

She is a devil.


She is sitting in my room

On my bed , there is so much

Going on in my h e a d

Is she gonna stay ?

I think she should be in the barn

sleeping on H a Y

She is an




From another planet

I just hope she doesn’t take

My room for granted

The Really Very Bad Bad Girl

They didn’t even ask how I felt about it,

My parents about adopting.

But when they did they chose a bad one,

A really very bad bad girl.

She is my age that may be true,

But it makes no difference really!

All I know for sure,

Is that I don’t want a

Really very bad bad girl

As my sister.

I don’t even want to speak of her name!

But if I must:

It’s Ashley.


I went to talk with my parents today,

And they were all, “Hurray hurray!”

I asked what they were celebrating for,

Because Ashley was just plain terror.

“We have done a good deed!”

Mom & dad said to me.

And we love her so!

I just wanted to say no.

Then, I started to wonder

Did they love the witch, her,


More than me?

She is Ruining my Life

It was her first day of school,

And I thought she would be an outsider, like me.

Let’s admit it, I’m not very cool,

And I was hoping nor was Ashley

Boy was I wrong.

When lunch arrived, it was louder than a gong.

Bang I looked to my right,

And saw Ashley talking to Dwight

My Dwight, my crush,

Then my brain turned into mush.

How could she do this? I said in my brain,

I couldn’t take the pain.

On our way home from school,

Ashley proved she was very cool.

She said to me,

“Me and Dwight are officially a thing!”

I couldn’t help myself when I yelled



F eels so weak

yes are bleak

ery deep cough

ven sounds like Seal

R agged life

The Love

I went up to Ashley’s room

And it smelled like perfume

It was mine

I just wanted to break her spine

As I barged in

I had seen that she had been

Crying so much

And then touched

Our mother’s face (in a portrait)

At our favorite place

I sat down on her bed

I finally said

“ I’m sorry “

She stared at me then gave me a hug

We suddenly fell on the rug

I then realized I had mistreated my sister

Like a strange mister


She is getting worse

She cannot speak

Its seems like a curse

She is really weak

Ashley is oh so sad

How we thought it was just a fever

We feel like we now only have dad

She will be alright, I’m a believer

We Get Each Other

These days we feel

Like we don't have much

We listen

We tell

We might not know it all

Like we both love to go

But one thinking is for sure

We are inseparable like two peas in a pod


We are happy now

Me, mom, dad,

And Ashley.

Mom’s okay now,

And back to her old self

Mom is happy, dad is happy, Ashley is happy,

And so I am happy

As we laughed , Ashley and I stared at each other then we hugged

It was like the whole world went right side up again

My life was finally going great

Created By
Zara Hailey Colby Ariana Thomas Parnell Kusterbeck Rodriguez


To the left is Ariana Rodriguez and to the left is Colby Kusterbeck. The book was written by Zara Thomas, Hailey Parnell, Colby Kusterbeck, and Ariana Rodriguez

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