Maori Culture Japneet 8E

Cannibalism was important to Maori people because they were in post battle rage. Some people believe that cannibalism never occured in New Zealand.
It is predicted that Maori people settled in New Zealand from around about 1250 CE and 1300 CE. The first European person to see New Zealand was Abel Janszoon Tasman on 13 December 1642.
It is said that the first person to find New Zealand was Abel Janszoon Tasman. Everyone knows that is not true because the Maori people had already settled there. The first person that is believed to have found New Zealand is in a legend and the person's name is Kupe. There is also another myth that a person called Maui found New Zealand.
Dutch explorer named the island Staten Landt because he supposed it was connected to a landmass of the exact same name at the southern tip of America. Dutch cartographers renamed the land Nova Zeelandia and from there it became New Zealand.
The Maori people wanted to find New Zealand because they were in search for more land. The Europeans were actually trying to find another island called 'terra australis incognita'. They did not find that island but instead they found New Zealand.
The three main islands that make up New Zealand are the North Island, the South Island and Stewart Island but a number of offshore islands are included such as the Chatam Islands, the Kermadec Islands, Campbell Island, the Antipodes Islands, the Bounty Islands and the Auckland Islands.


Created with images by gemb1 - "Maori Culture" • Shiny Things - "Haka" • holgerheinze0 - "new zealand path trail" • RaviGogna - "Tattooing, Maori style" • bradhoc - "Maori" • RaviGogna - "Singing 1" • hillaryp1 - "DSC05410"

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