2016 Lessons Video 1

In 2016, I learned about a couple of things in video that can help me make films.

I learned about different shots and angles that are used in film

Garage Band lets the user create tracks with various music pieces to put them all together.

I learned how to format a script in Google Docs. Scripts are one of the primary things that every film needs to start their production.

Green Screen can be altered to make the object or person look like they are somewhere by copying and pasting a picture of a place onto the background.

Camera are instruments that are used in film to capture video/audio.
Microphones are used to enhance sound and get better audio.
Tripods are used to hold up cameras to get steady results.
We learned about Freeze Frames, which are shots that are paused in film to create suspense.
In video, we learned how to go through various scripts of popular movies and compare the action, settings, and dialogue in the scenes.
Storyboards are used to create a little visual image of the script for the filmmakers.
Drones are used to capture images, videos, and they can even help with security, wildlife preservation, and various other things in the world.
Video 1 in 2016 helped me learn about various parts of film and experiment with them. In the future, hopefully video expands my knowledge on how to create films.


Created with images by markusspiske - "office neo-urban apple" • iskws - "2007-12-01 11-34-38OLYMPUS IMAGING CORP. E-330 023" • evanforester - "Microphone" • Saad.Akhtar - "Tripod" • touristbirds - "rodeo horse white horse" • darthwilson891 - "Star Wars BB-8" • Nadya Peek - "hangsters the movie" • ki-kieh - "drone technique technology" • RichardLey - "camera old retro"

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