Missing Piece Brian Powell | Work Sample

I worked with the Utah Shakespeare Festival during a very exciting transition. Because they were opening the Beverly Taylor Sorenson Center For the Arts that summer, they decided the time was right to re-brand themselves. Their logo, in particular, required careful consideration as the new symbol needed to be something that both embodied the values of the organization and resonated with the audience. Further complicating a re-branding was the fear of a backlash against this new identity, because so many patrons were attached to the old logo. To explain the reasoning behind the change we created this video. It received over 16,000 views, nearly 400 reactions, and 25 comments on their Facebook.

These graphics were made for the Utah Shakespeare Festival's "Student Access Pass." Previous attempts at marking to this demographic had fallen flat, despite the incredible deal that's offered. One complication I addressed with this campaign was the explanation of how the offer was to be redeemed. I was told my reworking of the copy was the "clearest way it had ever been said." For the images, we ran with a simple concept to put students in Renaissance clothing which produced both fun and striking images.

Every year, over 3,000 high school students travel to Cedar City for the Shakespeare Competition. My job for this was to collect photos of all the events and compile them into a slideshow. What was most difficult about this project was the turn around time. I only had 36 hours to gather photos and arrange them into this project. It was rewarding to hear from Michael Bahr (The education director at the Festival) say I had "raised the bar" for this component, and that they will use both the video's structure and my strategy in the future.

These graphics are all works-in-progress. My current project is to brand the Frehner Museum of Natural History. We want the "Mooseum" to seem like both a friendly, inviting, and educational resource for families, and I think we're on the right track. We've been focus grouping the branding and have been reviving constructive critique, as well as a new found excitement for the museum.

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