Brexit debate 'To Remain or To leave? That is The Question'

Arguments to remain

1. Health protection

2. EU single market

3. Parental benefits

4. There are more job opportunities for the UK population in other EU countries

5. Protection for agency, part-time and fixed term workers comes form the EU

6. Multi-cultural society makes there is more diversity in workplace

7. There is better job security as UK companies operate in EU countries

Arguments to leave

1. Lack of job

2. Lack of control of population from outside the UK

3. Lack of decision-making (? - I can't read that word)

4. Free movement

5. Too much money was sent to the EU (it was UK but I think that was misspelling)

6. Wage differences

7. Different effect on public sector employees -> can enforce EU directives against employers but these rights can go

8. Impact UK productivity

9. Global economy picking up

10. EU nationals who have worked in UK for 5+ years can apply for permanent residency and employers are willing to help with it (I don't get why is it for leave - probably should be said a little more or in different way)

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