goals project english 2 period1

Semester goal

My goal for this semester is to get at least 4 A's and get better at Spanish class.

I will do this by studying more.

English goal

In English I will use better punctuation and wording in my essays.

High School goal

During High School I will get A's and B's and get better at swim.

To do this I will try hard in all my classes and study. I will also try hard during practice.

After High School

After High School I want to go to College and study medicine. I also want to travel.

To achieve this goal I will try my hardest through out high school and then in college.

Personal growth

For my personal goal I want to be happy and surrounded by friends, family and to have more dogs.

" My personal goals are to be happy, healthy, and to be surrounded by loved ones."


Created with images by dakzxz - "sunset novovoronezh summer" • 777546 - "spanish language error" • lorenzocafaro - "correcting proof paper" • a Noble photo - "IMG_0580.jpg" • Pok_Rie - "wave water ocean" • keijj44 - "mountain peak mountain range" • Britt Selvitelle - "Happy."

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