Unit 5 BY: Emily weston

Chief of State: the titular head of a nation as distinct from the head of the government.

Chief Administrator: the President is in charge of the executive branch of the federal government.

Chief Diplomat: One of his most important diplomatic powers is to recognize foreign governments.

Chief Legislator: most often refers to the president of the United States, who has the authority to influence members of Congress to make laws through veto power, signing a bill, speaking directly to Congress and meeting with individual members of the legislative body.

Presidential Succession: who may become or act as President of the United States upon the incapacity, death, resignation, or removal from office of a sitting President or a President-elect.

National Bonus Plan: maintains the Electoral College voting system but adds 102 bonus electoral votes to the existing 538 votes.

Imperial Presidency: is a term used to describe the modern presidency of the United States which became popular in the 1960s and served as the title of a 1973 volume by historian Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.

Executive Order: a rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.

Treaty: formally concluded and ratified agreement between countries.

Recognition: the action or process of recognizing or being recognized, in particular.

Line Item Veto: is the power of an executive authority to nullify or cancel specific provisions of a bill, usually a budget appropriations bill, without vetoing the entire legislative package.

Pardon: the action of forgiving or being forgiven for an error or offense.

Commutation: action or the process of commuting a judicial sentence.

Domestic Affairs: A group of policies made up of all the stands and actions that a nation takes in every aspect of its relationships with other countries; everything a nation's government says and does in world affairs.

Foreign Policy: a government's strategy in dealing with other nations.

Chief Executive: is the highest-ranking executive in a company, and their primary responsibilities include making major corporate decisions, managing the overall operations and resources of a company, and acting as the main point of communication between the board of directors and corporate operations.

Chief of Party: is one of the seven chief presidential roles, in which the U.S. president campaigns for political party members who have supported his policies and helps them get elected or appointed to office.

Commander in Chief: a head of state or officer in supreme command of a country's armed forces.

Chief Citizen: the President's job is to represent the people and to work for the public interest.

Presidential Succession Act of 1947: The original act of 1792 had placed the Senate president pro tempore and Speaker of the House in the line of succession, but in 1886 Congress had removed them.

Executive Article: Article Two of the United States Constitution establishes the executive branch of the federal government, which carries out and enforces federal laws.

Oath of Office: is the oath or affirmation that the President of the United States takes after assuming the presidency.

Ordinance Power: An executive order is a directive, rule, or regulation that has the effect of law.

Executive Agreement: an international agreement, usually regarding routine administrative matters not warranting a formal treaty, made by the executive branch of the US government without ratification by the Senate.

Persona non grata: an unacceptable or unwelcome person.

Reprieve: cancel or postpone the punishment of someone, especially someone condemned to death.

Clemency: Mercy or lenience.

Amnesty: an official pardon for people who have been convicted of political offenses.

Foreign Affairs: Policy of a government in dealing with other countries or with activities overseas.

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