Internal Combustion Engine By: Austin Poole

The internal combustion engine was an invention that changed the way we traveled and still effects certain ways we do today. The engine was invented by not only one but two men, Nikolaus Otto & Etienne Lenoir. Etienne made the first stock engine but Nikolaus made the first compressed charge engine that ran on petroleum gas and led to today's internal combustion engine.

The internal combustion engine was created in Luxembourg by Etienne Lenoir, he used it for the first time in 1859. The engine in itself is a heat engine where the combustion of fuel occurs with an oxidizer in a chamber that is apart of a fluid flow circuit.

The internal combustion engine has a significance to it by providing a lightweight, good source of power for vehicles such as the automobile. The engine had a vast impact on human life ranging from new transportation to new weapons to be used, to top it all off the price to run the engine wasn't high at all. With all these good impacts of the engine there were quite a few bad impacts of it as well. With the word combustion gas is supposed to be contained within the engine but many harmful gases were released into the atmosphere which led on to affect human health.

The internal combustion engine today has and is still being improved to make travels faster, safer and more efficient. Engineers at chrysler have optimized combustion technology and the way the engine intakes gasoline. The amount of industrialization to the engine that has been made over the years isn't slowing down and will continue to change for the better.


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