Ciao Paul!! CIAO!!! chances are.. venice will offer you great great opportunities tomorrow morning for your 1st or second breakfast!

Dear Paul! I hope you are having a wonderful evening at Ca' Contessa!

I hope you will like some inspiration for a great cappuccino in Venice for tomorrow, just read below!!

When I have time, I love to get into one of my favorite places to drink a cappuccino or a little pastry. This gives me peace of mind and help me find the same quiet and immersive pace of Venice. Will you?

I hope these busy days you will also relax in this city. Sometimes I go to the italian Alps to do this.. what a wonderful sensation when you feel you are charging your internal batteries instead of those of your smartphone! ;)

So here we are: Creamy Cappuccino, excellent coffee, tasty Croissants are just a short walk away from Ca' Contessa!!

PASTICCERIA ROSA SALVA ~ Intimate wel hidden historical in Castello

Torrefazione Marchi ~ The last in town!

They toast the coffee since a century: these guys do that rght in front of you! You'll be pleased to know it's also the cheapest coffee in town (0,80€!!)

Marchini Time @ Campo San Luca

Very Central: dozens of fine little pastries!!!!

Pasticceria Didovich

Excellent pastries. A must go!! Very quiet side of Venice at Campo Santa Marina

In the beautiful ARSENALE square (the moving bridge) you can sit in a silent wonderful setting and enjoy the morning breakfast at just 2 minutes from Ca Contessa!!

In Carnival time but some times also in other periods... Here's FRITOE (typical carnival pastry). CATCH THEM IF YOU CAN!!!

Have a wonderful Day!!

Michele @ Ca' Contessa Venice




















Created By
Ca Contessa Venice


Created with images by TesaPhotography - "coffee cup cappuccino" • tinyfroglet - "Gondolas in the Morning"

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