Duke Ellington By: Taylor cole,


- Born on April 29, 1988

-He is a well known pianist, composer, and song writer

-He went Will Marion Cook was his influence and was the one who gave him advice.

-First original recording was called East St. Louis Toodle-oo from 1926.

-Ellington is distinguished by his goal of expanding time frame of the jazz piece.

-One of his sketches is Koko written in 1939.

-He created an opera to show how negro opera should be done.

-Came about when there was a split between the harlem renaissance elders and new radical negros.

-Even though he didn't get through the sketch phase of his opera he used some of his sketches in his instrumental works.


Created with images by ky_olsen - "Duke Ellington, Aquarium, New York, N.Y., ca. Nov. 1946"

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