Dress for Success The public school board should require students to wear uniforms. School uniforms help students stay focused on their studies.

Uniforms promote self-confidence within students. Students feel equal among their peers when they are all dressed the same. The confidence received from the uniforms helps students make good grades.

Students can focus on their academics and not have to worry about what other students think about them when they are all wearing uniforms.

Students become more motivated to do their work when they are wearing their uniforms. They are more likely to become hard workers when wearing uniforms and they decrease their level of laziness because they are no longer permitted to wear sweatpants to class.

Students are more focused on their assignments when wearing uniforms because there are less distractions in the classroom. Students are not wearing vulgar clothing that takes away from learning.


Created with images by Mr Moss - "First Day of School, September 2012 1" • the opoponax - "Namaste!" • KingTyrone - "School buddies 3" • One Laptop per Child - "Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia"

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