Han Dynasty By gabriel benatar

POLITICS: the han dynasty wasnt very engaged in politics. out of ten their engagement was a 3 because the only thing that was political was civil war started by peasant uprisings against the despotic Qin Dynasty. "The Western Han Dynasty (206BC - 24AD) was regarded as the first unified and powerful empire in Chinese history. Lasting from 206 BC to 24 AD, it was established by Liu Bang, who became Emperor Gaozu following four years of civil war started by peasant uprisings against the despotic Qin Dynasty (221 - 207BC)". "The first emperor, Liu Bang, Emperor Gaozu initiated many effective measures by recruiting people for his government based on their ability, not birth or wealth, and drawing lessons from the collapse of the Qin and former dynasties". (https://www.travelchinaguide.com/intro/history/han/western.htm)

ECONOMICS: the han dynasty economical wise was doing very well but led to decline ranking them 6 out of 10. This is because of population growth and trade and also growth in trade such as the silk road. This all lead to the decline of the han dynasty. "The Han dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD) of ancient China experienced contrasting periods of economic prosperity and decline. ... The Han economy was defined by significant population growth, increasing urbanization, unprecedented growth of industry and trade, and government experimentation with nationalization". "The Han economy was defined by significant population growth, increasing urbanization, unprecedented growth of industry and trade, and government experimentation with nationalization. In this era, the levels of minting and circulation of coin currency grew significantly, forming the foundation of a stable monetary system. The Silk Road facilitated the establishment of trade and tributary exchanges with foreign countries across Eurasia, many of which were previously unknown to the people of ancient China." (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_the_Han_dynasty)

RELIGON: the han dynasty was very religos twords education beliefs like Confucianism and Daoism. from a scale of 1 to 10 they rate a 8 since they where focosed on not only one educational belive but two of them. "The religious legacy of the 400 year Han era was the development of Confucianism and Daoism, and the acceptance of Mahayana Buddhism. During the Western Han era, the religion of Daoism developed that became China's major indigenous religion". "Liu Bang was the first emperor of the Han Dynasty. At first, Liu Bang emulated the rule of the Qin court, but he allowed more freedoms and drafted fewer peasants for conscript labor. Then he did start acting more tyrannical later". The bold part is the other religion the han dynasty belived in.

SOCIAL: the han dynasty social structure was very powerfull and made up of farmers workers and slaves and the emporer was at the top. THis ranks them 9 out of 10. "Aristocrats and bureaucrats were at the top of this hierarchy followed by skilled laborers like farmers and iron workers. The bottom tier consisted of unskilled laborers such as servants and slaves. The emperor was at the top of the whole hierarchy. At the top of the Han Dynasty social structure was the emperor". "The society of the Han Dynasty can generally be described as highly structured with a clear definition of each social class".

Intellectual: THe technolagy created by the han dynasty truly made them on of the most powerful dynastys ever. out of ten they rank 9 out of 10 for technolagy and advansmint pourpusis. "Many would claim that the Han dynasty was one of the most powerful of all of China’s dynasties, not only in terms of economic growth and border expansion but also because of its trendsetting technology. The Han dynasty inventions were some of the greatest contributions not only in the Chinese society but even across the globe. Some of the lesser known innovations developed during this period include the creation of the wheelbarrow and the seismograph". "There are several major Han dynasty inventions that have been famously credited to this period. These inventions have in one way or another shaped the way our world is lived in right now. The first and perhaps the most popular is the invention of the paper making process during the Han dynasty. Although historians claim that the oldest piece of wrapping paper can be traced back to the Chinese during the 2nd BCE, the process of making paper was invented during the Han period. The eunuch Cai Lun was credited for this invention. His process used mulberry bark as the main ingredient".

ARTISTIC: the han dynasty wasnt very intrested into art until many people transfered their religon to budhism where they belived alot in art and they where very religous twords art. out of 10 they rate at a 7 in the importance scale since not alot of people transfered religons. "were two big changes in art in the Han Dynasty, and they both happened about the same time, in the 100s AD, about the time of Jesus in West Asia or Caligula in Europe. The first big change was that many people in China converted to a new religion, Buddhism. Buddhism got started in India, and the Indian religious men who told Chinese people about Buddhism also showed Chinese artists Buddhist art. Many Chinese artists began to draw pictures of the Buddha and his holy followers, the boddhisatvas, and carve sculptures of them. The style of these Buddhist paintings and sculptures was a lot like Indian art styles". "The other big change was that Chinese scientists invented paper. Instead of painting on silk the way they had in the Zhou and Chin Dynasties, Chinese artists began to use paper (but they still used silk too".

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Gabriel Benatar

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