Goals By Caedmon Walz

By 2018...

by 2018 I hope that I can go back to NC and see my friends and family. I also hope that can keep making straight A's in my classes and finally learn how to play my old guitar. Another goal is to save $1500 by 2018.

By 2020

By 2020 I plan to have passed high school with straight A's and hopefully be on my way to a good college. I would also like to see some improvement in my overall lifestyle and travel to Alaska.

By 2022...

By 2022 I would like to have a bachelor's degree, a PHD in aviation, and a husky(who I will name Zeus). I would also consider joining the Air Force, and visiting Athens. Achieving these things will hopefully give me some opportunities in my life.

In 2027...

In 2027 I plan to visit Venice, Rome, and the Alps. I also plan to open a pizza parlor called "Sweet Cheesus". The pizza parlor will be heavily influenced by internet memes and other pizza parlors. There will be a challenge for eight of your friends to eat an entire six foot by three feet pizza in under two hours. This massive pizza will be called "Cheesus Christ". I also hope that Sweet Cheesus becomes a big hit so that I will be able to buy a Delorean DMC-12.


Created with images by hypotekyfidler.cz - "Moon" • Paxson Woelber - "Byron Peak, Alaska" • TesaPhotography - "husky dog pet" • garciacom - "pizza making pizza pizza guy"

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