The Next Level TAGT Membership

The Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented (TAGT) is dedicated to connecting and empowering educators, parents, and advocates throughout the state of Texas. Whether you support G/T students in or outside of the classroom, involvement in TAGT is the most powerful way to guide gifted individuals and meet their unique needs. Join Today!

TAGT currently has 5 ways to become involved:

Professional Membership

Ideal for educators, administrators, coordinators and consultants. Become instantly connected with a vast network of G/T advocates while accessing relevant resources, tools and discounts.

Parent Membership

Are you a parent or guardian of one (or more) of the estimated 400,000 G/T students in the state? Your involvement with TAGT is one of the most powerful ways to help guide your child while receiving the resources and support you need.

Parent Support Groups

Are you connected with other parents who are passionate about gifted education? Whether you are united in advocacy or simply for mutual support, establishing a Parent Support Group (PSG) strengthens the benefits gifted education can have in homes, classrooms and communities.

Affiliated Parent Membership

Members of local Parent Support Groups (PSG) affiliated with TAGT gain inside access to resources and TAGT member benefits. Start taking advantage of these benefits today by encouraging your PSG to become an affiliated member.

Supporter Membership

Lend your voice in support of gifted education! It takes all of us working together to truly promote the limitless possibilities represented in G/T students.

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