
英国政府宣布中共国违反《中英联合声明》 【中英对照翻译】

新闻来源:英国政府网站(GOV. UK);作者:新闻稿(Press release )来自FCDO通信团队(the FCDO Communication Team );发布时间:November12, 2020 /2020年11月12 日







Foreign Secretary declares breach of Sino-British Joint Declaration


Following the disqualification of four pro-democracy lawmakers in Hong Kong, the UK Government has declared China in breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration.


Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said:

外交大臣多米尼克•拉布(Dominic Raab)说:

“Beijing’s imposition of new rules to disqualify elected legislators in Hong Kong constitutes a clear breach of the legally binding Sino-British Joint Declaration.


“China has once again broken its promises and undermined Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy. The UK will stand up for the people of Hong Kong, and call out violations of their rights and freedoms. With our international partners, we will hold China to the obligations it freely assumed under international law.”




• On 11 November 2020, China’s National People’s Congress Standing Committee decided that any Hong Kong legislator who promote or support Hong Kong independence, refuse to recognise China’s sovereignty over Hong Kong, seek foreign countries to interfere in the affairs of Hong Kong, or endanger the national security of Hong Kong, will be in breach of the Parliamentary oath and should be disqualified from membership of the Hong Kong Legislative Council. This Decision led to the immediate removal of four elected members of the Legislative Council who were - at that moment - sitting in the Chamber.

• 2020年11月11日,中共国全国人大常委会决定:任何宣扬或者支持“港独”、拒绝承认中共国对香港拥有的主权、寻求外国干预香港事务或者危害(香港的)国家安全的香港立法会议员,将违反议会誓言,并且应被取消其香港立法会议员的资格。该决定导致立法会四名民选议员立即被罢免,他们当时正坐在会议厅。

• The Decision is part of a pattern apparently designed to harass and stifle all voices critical of China’s policies. The new rules for disqualification provide a further tool in this campaign, with vague criteria open to wide-ranging interpretation.

• 该决定是一种模式的一部分,显然是在恐吓和压制所有批评中共国政策的声音。取消资格的新规则在这次行动中提供了另一种手段,用模糊的标准让人可以进行广泛的解读。

• We judge that this Decision breaches the legally-binding Sino-British Joint Declaration. It breaches both China’s commitment that Hong Kong will enjoy a ‘high degree of autonomy’ and the right to freedom of speech guaranteed under Paragraph 3 and Annex I of the Declaration.

• 我们认为该决定违反了具有法律约束力的《中英联合声明》。这既违反了中共国关于香港享有“高度自治”的承诺,也违反了《宣言》第3款和附件 I 所保证的言论自由权。

• This is the third time since 1997 that China has breached the legally-binding Joint Declaration. The first was in 2016. The second was in June 2020 when Beijing introduced the Hong Kong National Security Legislation.

• 这是自1997年以来中共国第三次违反具有法律约束力的《联合声明》。第一次是在2016年。第二次是在2020年6月,当时北京颁布了《香港国家安全法》。

编辑:【喜马拉雅战鹰团】Edited by:【Himalaya Hawk Squad】