Oral Cancer Camden Cohick, Mark Livengood

Health related issues

There are many health related issues concerning oral cancer. One is pain and discomfort in the mouth due to lumps forming inside the mouth. Bleeding within the mouth, weakness in the face, mouth or neck. All these cause severe discomfort, and left untreated can led to more pain


If the cancer was found before it has begun to spread then the doctor will cut the skin layer off until no more cancer is found. If the cancer is in stage I or II then the doctor will normally recommend surgery or radiation therapy. If the cancer reaches stage III or IVA then the doctor will remove the lymph nodes from the neck and then radiation is given afterwards. If the cancer is in stage IVB then it is usually treated with chemo therapy.

Dominant or recessive?


Healthy vs Unhealthy





Created By
Camden Cohick

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