The New Evangelization By: Isabella Gonzalez, Aneybis Centeno, Isabela Llop, Lily Fronczek-Lewis, Wenzel

"How can we design a campaign that will entice our peers to become more devoted apostles of Christ and join in spreading the message and ministry of Jesus within our school and local community?"

The main issue at hand with our peers is the environment. Our group believes that the fact that we live in a world controlled by social media and technology itself that this factor makes a huge impact on the people. Pope Francis even noted the decline in attendance in mass all around the world. Our campaign is designed to spread awareness and help peers and our audience understand the importance of the Christian faith.

We believe Catholics aren't practicing their faith because of many reasons. Some of them being the environment, or maybe personal problems of themselves. The first example being the environment meaning

Jesus' Commision amd establishment of the catholic faith

Jesus' commission, known as the Great Commission, can be found in Matthew 28:18 - 20, Mark 16:15 - 18 and Luke 24:47. The Commision states Jesus made it clear to his apostles and anyone that followed him that they would enter into the great work started long before they were born (John 4:35, 38). The Commision is recorded in these scriptures, explaining what tasks were being left to the church before Jesus left the people. Notice also that the main part of the Commission is to take the Gospel message into ALL nations. Jesus tells his disciples to teach others ALL the things he taught them (verse 20) and finally he will be with them ALL the time (taken from He uses the word "ALL" or "THEY" to make a point about the fact that Jesus was leaving his Commision not for just his believers but to everyone. It is used to establish his divine authority and to leave them with God's plan.

The Apostles

Saint Luke wrote the Act of the Apostles. This book helped more people and understand Christianity and Jesus's teachings. The earlier chapters speak of the founding of the church and includes Christ's birth, death, and resurrection. Later chapters speak of the spread of Christianity though Rome.

Saint Paul is considered to be one of the most significant figures in the development of our Christian faith. His letters happen to be one of the earliest known and found Christian documents. He wrote many of these legs while traveling, many about how the Church should be run and guided. He was concerned informing them of their appropriate role within their specific church community including references to the churches hierarchy (taken from

Peter the Apostle is looked as a roll model in a way for Christian behavior. Many gospels describe Jesus calling Peter his "rock" that the future church would be built upon. Some popes today even refer to Peter the first leader of the Roman church. Peter can be referred to as a role model because he was like us everyday people. He sinned, he denied his faith three times but his beliefs overcame all.

Role And mission of the early church with the church of today
  • Early Church;
  • Met each other in their homes and devoted themselves to God's word
  • Christians emerged from the romans of social and religious ideas
  • Bound and united by the common truth
  • Christians were characterized by uncommon joy
  • They were overall fearless and animated people
  • They were looked as God's Holy Ambassadors in a dying world
  • They gave to the needy
  • Church of Today;
  • We worship just as the early church used to
  • We are saved like they were
  • We share the same goal
  • We all hope to be sent to the same place eventually
  • Baptism
  • The Lord's supper
  • Teachings
  • Practice of spiritual gifts
  • Changed lives with new people
  • Connected ministry

One of the many platforms for our multimedia campaign is Instagram. We created a page to promote our campaign. This is the logo for our organization called Youth Church, signifying the church of today. Our hashtag is #YouthChurchisWiththePeople. This platform can be very successful in promoting our campaign considering the popularity of social media now in this century.

This is Ms. Carr, one of the teachers we have chosen to be our spokesperson for this campaign. Ms. Carr teaches different grades at Archbishop McCarthy so she understands our peers and teenagers very well. She has told us she is very inclined with her faith so we thought she would be the perfect person to have supporting our campaign.

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