Margaret Cavendish Duchess, Philosopher, Poet & Scientist

"I would rather die in the adventure of noble achievements than live in obscure and sluggish security."

Margaret Cavendish spent her life in the United Kingdom and she married William Cavendish, 1st Duke of Newcastle in 1645.

During her life she explored the fields of philosophy, poetry, science and others. She proved her ingenuity during the 17th Century despite discrimination against women. Because of this she was part of the impact of women's rights, a movement that wasn't in full swing until 297 years after her death.

Margaret may have been the feminist of her time but she also had an incredible mind for science...

She was the first woman to be invited and attend the Royal Society of London which recognizes and promotes excellence in the Sciences.

Margaret Cavendish made an impression that lasted for hundreds of years. Through her brilliant mind and creative spirit she impacted a time and era that she didn't even know about.

Created By
Katharine Butera

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