Lil doug-"Feel me" (feat skooly)

*Synopsis, narrative story is about a adult "trapper" and his kid self. the characters will coordinate corresponding movements to depict that the character are the same but in different times in the same place, much like a leading shadow. id like for the child to lead throughout most of the video since "lean" slows you down ("still drinking lean my moma gona kill me"). the boy and adult will do things around the house to establish they're corespondent. they both will head to a basketball court where they will finally be in synchronization and finding that common Peace of mind simply by playing ball.

In scene 1 both adult and child counter part will be sleeping on opposite sides in correlating positions.

when the beat starts both will open eyes (close up) and begin to move out of bed and head toward the door at a different pace (the older version will grab hat and maybe gun) the child will grab his shirt and little "innocent" belonging
both characters will head toward the kitchen and grab different items in the cabinet, one will grab a bowl of cereal and the other will grab the bottle of "lean". both pour at the same time and head toward the couch
both will sit on the couch. the child will eat cereal and the adult self will sip on his cup and begin scaling.

the door will be knocked on (the child will open the door) the adult will serve and the child will welcome friend and play) the adult will catch a glimpse of his younger self as he serves the "customer" walking away with the little friend his younger self is with.

both will walk down the street and make their way toward the basketball "escape area" while walking down the street the adult will look around and see how things have "changed" in little ways (difference in color tone, adult self will see it as dark and grungy and kid will see it as vibrant).
when both characters are in the basketball area, you will see them both have the same dribble pattern, layup, floor shot selection ect.
Lil Doug and Skooly will have performance shots in the basketball court as well as around 1st location

ending in Everyone being seen leaving the gym.


Created with images by LifeSupercharger - "Trophy shot (80/365)" • qimono - "door closed entrance" • Moyan_Brenn - "Walking" • Abdullah Bin Sahl - "Aiming for the basket" • jenschapter3 - "Street Basketball" • fototastisch - "Turnhalle II" • Sadie Hernandez - "Goodbyes are too sad."

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