Bridget Riley By; will mottley b peroid

Bridget riley was born in West Norwood, London, United Kingdom on 1931

She is know as an abstract painter

Three facts are, she was a teacher for a short time, and worked in a glass shop. Another fact is that In 2008 one of her dot paintings sold for over 2 and a half million pounds. The last fact is that the geometric patterns in Riley’s paintings often suggest movement. I think that she does a great job of making the painting look like movement.

Two quotes form bridget are "Focusing isn't just an optical activity, it is also a mental one." Another one is "As the artist picks his way along, rejecting and accepting as he goes, certain patterns of enquiry emerge."

Bridget riley was best known for her op art. It is the type of art that has movement and gives the painting life. My favorite was movement in squares and it was made in 1961.

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