Bell 103

What is Bell 103-The Bell 103 was the first commercial computer modem, is an ATT standard for American Telephone an Telegraph.

How does it work?-The Bell 103 uses audio for data encoding. Each station uses different audio frequency pairs.

What impact did the Bell 103 have on the internet?-

improvements from then to now-Improvement of Bell 103 that the sound of the modem actually increase as it improving.

  1. Bell 103 was invented in 1963: 300bps
  2. V.22 was invented in 1982: 1200-2400bps
  3. V.32 was invented in 1984(not sold until 1988): 9.6K-14.4K
  4. V.32 was invented in 1994: 28.8K-33.6K
  5. V.90 was invented in 1998: 56K download speed
Created By
Triet Nguyen

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