
The Zeta Collection

The Zeta Collection is a collection of childrens and juvenile literature. This collection is unique at the Baylor Libraries because it is not cataloged in the same way as the rest of our materials. Instead of an LC Classification number, Zeta books are categorized using the Dewey Decimal System.

The call number associated with a Zeta Collection book will tell you not only how to find the book, but also what type of children's book it is.

These books are intended for preschool children, Easy Books generally have many pictures and few words. These books are arranged by the last name of the author.

The "E" at the beginning of the call number stands for "easy." The "C" at the beginning of the call number (E C2785Vh 1987) indicates that the author's last name begins with a C.

These books are intended for children in middle or high school, these books have more words than pictures and are typically novels. They are arranged by the last name of the author.

The Call number starts with "F" (for fiction) and then "R" for the author's last name (Rowling).

These books are intended for kindergarten to high school students, including literature (poems and fairy tales). They are arranged by the Dewey Decimal number and books on similar topics are shelved together.

567.9 is a Dewey Decimal Call Number. It indicates that this book is about dinosaurs (remember that the 500 category represents "science."

These books are intended for kindergarten to high school students. This category only represents single person biographies. Books that include biographies of multiple people are in the non-fiction section 920. They are arranged by the last name of the person that the biography/autobiography is about.

The "B" in the call number stands for biography. The "E" in the call number stands for Einstein.


Created with images by WokinghamLibraries - "picture books subject" • Annie Spratt - "untitled image" • Comfreak - "book landscape nature" • Ben Mullins - "untitled image" • sasint - "book asia children" • dylan nolte - "untitled image" • Robyn Budlender - "untitled image" Re-worked with permission from a Google Slideshow created by Ellen Hampton Filgo.

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