
In urban Berlin it's known for it's festivals,architecture, nightlife , contemporary arts and high quality of living . It cost more to live there. Berlin has same sex bars and dance halls and gay's and lesbians can be together. In Berlin The most commonly spoken language is Turkish,English,Russian,Arabic,Polish,Kurdish,Vietnamese,Serbian,Cr
One third of Berlin is made up of forest,parks,gardens and lakes. The summers are warm and humid and winters are cool spring and fall are chilly to mild. The weather is the same as it is here.
The Cuisines in Berlin they occasionally serve there pork,goose,fish,peas,beans,cucumbers and potatoes. In Berlin there are experienced chefs and waiters. In The cuisines they have English menus not just German menus.
In 1990 Germany reunited and tore down the Berlin wall making Berlin the capital again. The Great Berlin act incorporated villages suburban cities to expand Berlin into and expanded city.After World War 2 Berlin divided into East and West Berlin. In 1933 Adolf Hitler and Nazi party came to power NSDAP ruled Berlins Jewish community. The Berlin wall surrounded west Berlin from 1961-1989.
Berlin's population of 3,610,156 has made Berlin the most populated city in the EU. There are many religion's in Berlin like Buddhism, Muslim,Christian and Roman catholic. Berlin is home to Universities,Museums,entertainment venues and is a host to many sport events.


Created with images by Cam4Heroes - "berlin bundestag reichstag" • Kai_Vogel - "berlin cathedral fountain berlin" • u07ch - "Berlin TV Tower" • stux - "eat beer garden snack" • hsingy - "berlin wall: perspective 2" • familymwr - "Lt. Dan Band rocks Grafenwoehr - U.S. Army - FMWRC - 81573-2010-07-29-160708"

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