Servant Leader

What is your definition of a servant leader?

“I would define a servant leader as one that puts their followers first. A leader that is nurturing to the spiritual and emotional needs of their staff. One that uses a leadership style that focus on enhancing the growth of nurses, as oppose to a focus on growth of the business/hospital.” (Hermanson)

Servant leadership is, “describing several traits manifested by leaders, including managing people with respect, honesty, love, and spirituality in a way that encourages others to be the best that they can be.” (Tropello,2104)
What are your personal leadership strengths? “My personal strengths as a leader would be patience and empathy. This is especially important with leading new graduate nurses. New grad nurses have different learning styles and learn at different paces. Leading these nurses with patient and empathy is key in building the confidence of new nurses.” (Hermanson)
Transformational style of leadership which is defined as, “a theory or style that focuses on the need for leaders who are willing to embrace change, reward staff, guide staff members in understanding their roles within the organization and the importance of the organization or a positive work environment, and work toward developing a self-aware staff that is able to take risks to improve.” (Finkelman,2016)
How do you handle suggestions and feedback when negotiating changes and improvements? “When addressing the needs for improvement with staff members, it is most important to use a non-punitive approach. I use training and education to encourage changes in areas of improvement that might be necessary for a staff member.” (Hermanson)


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