The Journal of Edith Cumbo By Loren Pretsfelder

In this picture there is one typical rope and another rope that is covered in tar. The rope is made from straw. It's covered in tar so it can be more durable because it protects the rope from hazardous weather conditions and anything else that will damage it. This tool was introduced by the English. Therefore, the English used the tarred rope on their ships to insure more safety and durability.
This exhibit shows how the Powhatans made a canoe from a tree trunk. Canoes were used for sailing across small bodies of water such as rivers and lakes. In order to make one, they burned layers of the tree so it was easier to scrape off, until they had a hole that was big enough. Once that step was completed throughout the whole tree, the Powhatans remove the ashes with a sea shell.
Today I visited the wig maker to search for a wig for my son. I decided to purchase a grey one with four curls in order to make him look more professional and wealthy. While I was waiting to discuss the terms of purchasing this wig, I admired the hefty tools lying on the table beside the plush hair samples attached to identical brown leather strips engraved with the type of fur. The brown wig topped off with dazzling pearls for women and the extremely long white wig with multiple curls for men also caught my eye.
Today I also stopped in the silversmith to explore possible options for my parlor. I found this lovely scale that would fit beautifully over the fireplace. It was plain yet tasteful; it showed knowledge and strength. The silversmith is a beautiful store with many different products sold there that range from simplistic to a different design in every nook and cranny of each product. They craft goods such as silverware, coffee pots, sauce boats, etc.
Today I also when to the Blacksmith to buy a ladle for I found that my wooden spoons failed at scooping oatmeal from a pot in the mornings. The blacksmith is very dark besides the fire in the center of the room. There is also a constant banging noise from the workers pounding on sweltering hot metal. In front of me there were different types of hinges and tools on display.
Finally, I return to my house to prepare supper and rest for a short time. My house is relatively large for a person of my status: a free black. My room is plush with a massive fireplace, large windows and a luxurious bed. My bedroom must be my favorite room in the house for I spend the most time in it relaxing without judgement.

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