Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Committee 12-19 December 2017

Hello from Holly-rood, where this week the Christmas trees have gone up and there's tinsel in the air. We've still got a couple of meetings before recess, though, and tomorrow we'll be looking at fuel poverty as part of our pre-budget scrutiny. We'll be hearing from

  • Norman Kerr, Director, Energy Action Scotland;
  • Di Alexander, Chair, Scottish Rural Poverty Taskforce;
  • Elizabeth Leighton, Policy advisor and secretariat, Existing Homes Alliance Scotland; and
  • Professor David Sigsworth, Former Chair of the Scottish Fuel Poverty Strategic Working Group.

Tune in from 10am tomorrow to watch us live.

The deadline for submissions to our pre-budget scrutiny is this Wednesday, so if you were planning to send something in, don't delay. The Budget itself will be announced on Thursday, with a Ministerial Statement at 2.30pm followed by a debate: again, you can watch live online.

Garden Lobby Christmas tree

And finally, following on from the success of last week's Christmas joke, here's a (loosely) economy themed one: Why didn't Santa buy Donder and Blitzen Christmas presents? Because they were two deer! (Don't worry - only one more of these newsletters to go before Christmas...)

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