Native Americans By: Sabrina Silverman, Isabella Sand, and Lyla Scott

Dawes Act

Congress passed the Dawes Act in 1887. It tried to end Native Americans wandering to " follow the Buffalo." This tried to make them farmers and would give them 160 acres of land.

Where the Dawes Act would take place.

Indian Boarding schools

The Dawes Act set up schools for Native Americans to make them more like the American children. The schools were started in the 1860s, it was created by the Bureau of Indian Affairs in Washington. Their academic priorities were to be able to read, write, and speak English. But, the schools would also teach math, science, and history.

Class photo


Symbolism, espically with animals is a big part of Native American spirituality. Animal were often used to represent certain ideas, characteristics, and spirits. Certain Native American tribes would use animals to tell the story of creation. For example, the Tinglit Indians story of creation revolved around a raven. Animals were seen equal to human. Of course they were hunted for food, but not before the hunter ascend the animals soul. They also believe in a creator and Mother Earth.



To Native Americans colors had a special symbol depending on what they were used for. Native American made totem poles and sculptures carved as symbols, animals, and their spiritual significance. Native Americans were always traveling to follow the Buffalo. The Buffalo kept them happy and alive. All parts of the body were used. For example the hide was used as bedding and the covering of teepees.

Native Americans today: 22% of our country's 5.2 million Native Americans live on tribal land


Many Native Americans rely of government fund for pay. The scarcity of jobs and lack of economic opportunity mean that, 4 to 8 out 10 adults on reservations don't have jobs.


Despite housing efforts, 90,000 homeless or underhoused Native Americans exist. 30% of Indian housing is overcrowded, and less than 50% of them are connected to a public sewer. 40% of in reservation housing is considered inadequate. Some houses have three generations in a 2 bedroom home.


Native Americans life expectancy is 5 years less than Americans. About 55% of Indians rely on the Indian Health service for medical care. Only 60% of medical needs are met and rarely are there hospitals of pharmacies on or near reservations. Heart disease is the leading death for Native Americans along with diabetes, and quality of nutrition.

Life on reservations

Life on reservations came with the lack of food, jobs, and medical assistant. Also, during the gold rush it was like prisons for Native Americans the amount of land that was for Native Americans was know mostly used for mining which made living conditions horrible.

Native Americans Now-

Living on Reservations-

Boarding Schools-

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