Tour of the Harn By: Travis Pope

Technique of the artist: The information below the mask reads that the mask is handcrafted from iron to make the face plate with a few wood pieces to attach the hair and other pieces of the mask. I was rather impressed by this because it must have been very challenging to mold iron into a rather complex shape, especially with their limited amounts of tools and materials. Me being aware of all the hard work put into crafting the mask allowed me to appreciate the work more so than just viewing it.
Out of all the exhibits I felt that the Korean art exhibit had the most intriguing design. The cases of each art piece in my opinion bolstered just how beautiful they all were. No other exhibit had such an aesthetically pleasing encasing except for this one.
This unnamed sculpture was probably my favorite piece in the whole museum simply due to how beautiful it is and how much effort must have been put in to make such a piece. One of my core values is hard work and diligence because without either of these one simply cannot succeed. The artist of this sculpture clearly exhibits these traits since the process of sculpting requires mass amounts of effort.
I feel that this painting can easily fit into the theme of celebrating the good life. The individuals displayed in the painting are lounging and relaxing by the coast not having a care in the world. This painting helped to further exemplify how taking the time out of a busy day to relax can be healthy now just as it was back in the 20th century.

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