Haitian Revolution MORGAN BROOKS

Today, the Haitian Revolution is the most victorious and biggest slave rebellion in the Western Hemisphere. It is also known for their high production in sugar, coffee, indigo and cotton. What caused the Haitian Revolution is the French Revolution which just occurred 2 years ago. This revolution presented itself with new ideas of human rights, universal citizenship and participation in the government. Will the Haitian Revolution impact the future? How does the French and Haitian Revolution compare to each other?

Toussaint Louverture

A man who was a former slave who is now a leader of the slave revolt named Toussaint Louverture decided to join sides and become loyal to France after leaning that France has officially abolished slavery in 1794. In 1798 he then later signs a treaty with British general Thomas Maitland. Napoleon Boneapart who is now the ruler of France, sent this brother-in-law Charles Leclerc and 43,000 French soldiers to seize Louverture and reclaim the French rule and slavery. Jean-Jacques Dessalines who was one of Louverture's generals and also a formal slave, led the revolutionaries at the Battle of Vertieres where the French forces were defeated in 1803. Dessalines has now reportedly declared the nation and named it Haiti. Who played the biggest role in the French Revolution?

Jean-Jacques Dessalines

Citations: http://www.blackpast.org/gah/haitian-revolution-1791-1804

Napoleon Bonaparte


Created with images by Beverly & Pack - "Haitian Flag, the National Flag of Haiti"

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