Adobe Spark Mandy Green

What is this Adobe Spark thing?
What ideas do you have about how Adobe Spark can be used in the classroom?
Design a Post with a quote which represents you. This quote might be used to introduce yourself at the beginning of the year or to introduce a unit or topic. Share URL at
Create a Video introducing yourself or a topic/unit of study using 4-6 video cards. Share URL at
Build a Page which includes your quote, your video and additional text which can be used to introduce yourself or a topic/unit of study. Share URL at
Now since you are approaching the finish line, make sure you have shared your URLs to help build a database of ideas. Go to to view the shared projects. Then go to the ETS Resource Site and start completing your Adobe Spark badge!
Questions and Reflection time!


Created with images by AlexanderStein - "paperclip clip office" • vernieman - "Another qlamazing creative tool - Adobe Spark that's made for the social era. Automatically publish optimised designs across multiple mobile and web platforms. Sweet! #adobemax @adobemax #TeamMindblow" • Mimzy - "back to school pencils rainbow" • Moyan_Brenn - "Reflections" • Moyan_Brenn - "Dead tree" • Moyan_Brenn - "Japan" • tpsdave - "race aircraft sky" • tj scenes - "question"

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