Article I

Artical I

There are two houses, those houses are The Senate and the House of Representatives.

Article I

The House of Representatives are composed of members that are chosen every two years.

Articale I

The representative has to be at least 25 years old and they have to be a citizen of the United States for seven years.

Atricle I

The Senate of the U.S.A. is composed of two senators from each state.

Article I

The congress meets every once every year on the first Monday of December.

Article II

Article Ii

The President has a four year term, He/She has to be thirty-five years old.

ArticLe II

On election day, The person with the most votes becomes president of the United States.

ArtIcle II

If the President dies or cannot be president then the Vice President will become the President.

Article III
Created By
Jolie Howe


Created with images by tfinzel - "Jefferson" • VinothChandar - "Washington Monument - Washington, DC. (Explored!)" • freestock.ca ♡ dare to share beauty - "Washington DC Capitol - Purple Hour HDR" • yeahbouyee - "A Cold, Gray Day on Captiol Hill - Proj2014-D2" • Glyn Lowe Photoworks. - "National Cherry Blossom 2013, Thomas Jefferson Memorial" • kevin dooley - "Washington Monument, from afar" • VinothChandar - "Happy Birthday America! (Explored!)" • tpsdave - "washington monument sunset twilight" • foxypar4 - "The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue; Washington DC" • freestock.ca ♡ dare to share beauty - "Acrylic DC Capitol - Red White & Blue" • freestock.ca ♡ dare to share beauty - "Bokeh Jefferson Memorial" • Beverly & Pack - "Super Perigee Moon rising near Lincoln Memorial, Saturday, March 19, 2011, in Washington, DC" • tpsdave - "california sunset dusk"

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