Manatee Garden Live, love, cats, and manatees

Our community seal

Our vision is for animals to be treated as equals, as will all genders and races. Anyone can follow their dreams and own pets. In Manatee Garden all will be heard and respected.

At manatee garden we have an oligarchy. My group of chosen people and I will be elected and promise to listen to the people. We promise we will judge and rule fairly for as long as we rule. This government was chosen so that all sides of the argument can be viewed.


1. No refusing any person a pet in their house

2. Criticism must be stated in a polite manner

3. No killing any endangered animals (or people)

4. No PG13 movies can be given to those under the age of 13

5. No crude or inappropriate actions or words

6. Creativity is required to be encouraged(green lipstick, purple lipstick, drawing, acting)

7. Have to attend school ( all jobs require college)

8. No cannibalism ( or eating manatees)

9. All manatees must be treated with respect (kissed, loved, vegetarians paid extra)

10. No secrets if pertaining to something dangerous or important ( lying will result in jail time)


You can come to find us in Florida! Where manatees and all people are welcome! It's warm, safe, has the ocean, and is the home of the manatees.


Created with images by mayerbl1 - "sunset siesta key florida"

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