About Me Alec Nava

My name is Alec, and I am a sophomore at Green Hope High School. I was born on May 13, 2001, in Raleigh, NC. I don't have any siblings, but I am not alone in this world because I have a huge extended family and friends.

This is only part of my family since I have more than 100 close relatives who live in Mexico, and others who live in different countries of different continents around the world. Abuelita Ines is the oldest family member, and she will turn 97 in April.
This is my cat Boticelli, and we have been together for more than seven years. Although he is a big cat, he is gentle and quiet. He likes to hang around while I am working on my projects and homework.
When I was in 4th grade, I auditined for the school's handbell choir, an artistic activity only for students in the 4th and 5th grades. I was very fortunate of being selected, and I was a member of the choir during my last two years in elementary school. Participating in the handbell choir in elementary school transformed my life and led me to who I am today. I will be always grateful to Mrs. LeGarde for believing in me.
I enjoy traveling to any place possible. Besides theme parks and typical tourist destinations, I am keen on exploring historic and archaeological sites. One of my favorite places to visit is Washington, DC.
Friendship is my most precious treasure, and keeping a supportive circle of friends has been one of my hardest accomplishments.
I am an enthusiastic sports' fan, and my favorite sports are football and ice hockey. Personally, I am a runner and also enjoy ridding my bike at park trails. I also participate in the school's cross country and track and field teams.
As for reading, these are some of my favorite books: Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Animal Farm, A Christmas Carol, War Horse, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Book Thief, and Life of Pi.
Thinking about my future, I would like to be a doctor or maybe a biomedical engineer, but in spite of my choice, I certainly want to help others to have a better life with my profession.
Up to now, this is me.

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