Mariana, Kiva, & Timor-Leste The Struggle of Having Small Buisiness and Family

Who is she?

This is Mariana. Mariana is from Manatuto, a city in the country of Timor-Leste. Timor-Leste is near Indonesia which is located in South-East Asia. Mariana is 44 years old and has 6 children. She has a kiosk business that is running low on supplies/food. She needs money to have more supplies/food for her business. These items will help have money for Mariana's family. Today, we will show you how the 5 P's of Poveriy effect Mariana's struggle for money and why Timor Leste is a very low country.

What is Timor Leste?

Timor Leste is east of Indonesia and North of Australia. As of 2015, the population is 45,541 people in Timor Leste. Timor Leste has a hot and humid climate. But around December-April, it is the wet season with the temperatures averaging 30ºC. Known diesases in Manatuto are Poloio, Rabies, and Hepatitis B. Humans first settled in East Timor 42,000 years ago. European occupation of a small part of the territory began in 1769. Timor a Leste was involved with many wars. For example, it was occupied by Japanese during WWII (6 years), Civil war against Portugal and Indonesia to claim independence and become their own nation. War lasts from 1975 to late 1990’s, many agreements signed over resources and territory. The majority language of Timor Leste is

Whats happENing to Timor Leste?

There are many problems that face Timor Leste today. Timor-Leste is not doing so well because of there heavy population. It is also one of Southeast Asia most vulnerable states and that is why they can't worry about it to much cause it will be easy for other countries to take it over. One big conflict that is happening in Timor-Leste is the relationship with the Portuguese. With Timor Leste having a bad government, they want to be friends with them so they could be less poor with the Portuguese bringing items and supplies. But, most people of Southeast Asia deny that Timor Leste and the Portugal should be friends

Timor Leste is one of many poor countries. With horrible, natural diesaters on the summer. This can effect shortage of crops and having less money to support their families.

What Can we do?

If we give the money to Mariana, she could support her town of Manatuto and even her country. In Timor-Leste 41% of the population lives below the basic needs poverty line. We think Mariana is near that line of Poverty if her business is not great, making her poor and no money to support her six children.

That is why we are working Kiva, a website with the power to donate money for people that need it for family's, education, and business. Mariana is part of Kiva we want to give her money so like we said before, they money that we give her will help her business.


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