Now you see me... Book Review By. Lizzie, MMS

Ghostly Things Like...

Click! Flash! “Look! We look great in the picture!” said Abby with an even bigger smile on her face, than the picture her and Lena took.

“What in the world?” Lena said with surprise.

“Who is that?!” Abby said with a terrified expression on her face. “I don’t know!” [GASP!]

ln Jane Mason & Sara Stephen’s Now you see me…, Lena and Abby want to help Robbie. Robbie is a ghost who won a photo contest, twice in a row! Lena and Abby both found out about Robbie when they went shopping at a “Ruth”s Will” in a little town named Phelps, and that is where they found an impulse (old camera). But soon after they took their first photo that’s where and when they found out about Robbie. He was in the photo but as a Ghost, with an evil look in his eyes, and they totally freaked out! So they found out that they were being haunted, by Robbie They just had to find out what was going on. So Lena found out in a dream that she had to give everything that Robbie used to own back to the “Ruth’s Will”. Abby was surprised that they were giving everything back. she was also relieved. Then after they gave everything back Lena just couldn't sleep without her impulse.

My favorite part was when Abby and Lena found the mysterious impulse on the moldy shelf at the “Ruth’s Will”. And when they did find it their faces sprouted with joy! When Abby and Lena find the Impulse was my favorite part because that was where the whole story began and what kept me turning pages! I must say I was pretty interested!

I learned the same thing that Abby and Lena learned: Make sure you check if it’s haunted before you take it off the shelf! The book teaches this when Abby and Lena find out the impulse is haunted. I think the greatest value of this book would be when Abby and Lena are about to give up. But they get back on their feet to help Robbie. That is the greatest value of the book because they decided to help Robbie instead of giving up all hope.

People who like ghostly things would like the book because the ghostly things like a non-existent water tower, showing up in a random photo from a haunted “Old Timed” camera, called an impulse.

Created By
Lizzie Stratford


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