Patrick Henry By: Jojo Hong


The Barrel was used by the English to store all the fresh water that they brought from England. but could also contain food, tools etc....The barrels are hollow cylindrical containers made by wood, with usually metal or wood(cheaper version) hoops around the barrel. Additionally, one end of the barrel is wider that the other. But unfortunately, the water inside the barrel soaks into the barrel after a long period of time, and so the English lacked fresh water on their journey to America.

Powhatan house for a family

This is a typical Powhatan family's house. As shown in the picture, the wool and fur were hunted by the Powhatans to keep warmth. However, the Powhatans lacked rocks, which they used to also keep warmth. Therefore, they traded precious pearls in return from the English rocks( which are commonly found on mountains).

House of George Wythe - TOP: Master chamber bedroom, LEFT: Study and teaching room, RIGHT: overview of house

As the governor of Virginia, I am very delighted to once again visit the legendary George Wythe Family. Known as the teacher of many grand polititions and scholars( including Thomas Jefferson), it is a pleasure to talk with him and about his limitless knowledge to this world. In George's bedroom, there is a fireplace built for warmth beside the two chairs as well as a embroidery hoop for Mrs. Wythe to make beautiful embroideries. However, I liked the studying and teaching room in George's house the most. It is where George taught students and studied. History was revealed here, innovations an new ideas were made here. This room holds the endless knowledge of the brilliant George Wythe.

Silversmith - LEFT: Displaying Area, RIGHT: Overview of Shop, BOTTOM: Work Place

Today I visited the Silversmith shop, seeking for a birthday present for Dorothea. The shop was a decent and small store with two rooms: the Silversmith's workroom and the displaying room. A few workers were working in the shop, carving and decorating pieces of silver. Anyways, the store mainly sold jewelry, including earrings, necklaces, rings...They also sold pieces of decorated silver for souvenirs. I bought a silver necklace for my wife. They informed me that the necklace will be ready in a few days since they made a special design for me. I payed them with credit, which was more expensive, but it was more convient for me.

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