Taylor&Ryan Romulus&rEmus

A long time ago there was a king who lived in Italy, the king had a younger brother he was jealous, he had a fight with the king and he won!

Reah fell in love with the God of Mars ,Reah was not allowedd to have babies, but she did! The king became furious...he told his servant to put the babies in the river Tiber.

River Tiber

The servant was worried that they would die, so he put them in a basket, so they would not die. Meanwhile, a she wolf found them and looked after them like they where her puppies.

She wolf

One day a shepherd found them, so he picked them up and took them to his wife. They were named Romulus and Remus, Romulus and Remus grew up to be shepherds. One day they were out on the field, when the kings shepherds found them.


The sheperds fought with Romulus and Remus, until Remus got caught...but Romulus came and saved Remus and killed the king. Then they were crowned king, but they wanted to find their own city.


They searched for a place to build their own city, they found two mountains, Avantine and Palentine, they wanted different hils, so they fought. Romulus won, Remus died.


So Rome was built on Palentine hill and will rule for another 1000 years.

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