Space Slacker Greatist Hits - near misses

Once described as an unrealized American Master, White King D has surfaced from nearly two decades of exile to bring the storied band back together for one more release. The band, known for hand-stitched rhythms, cobblestoned compositions, and lyrics that occasionally embody slivers of resolute genius, played on, even when no one was listening. Critics hailed The Slack's only release "Anthology" as "Like the playlist for a road trip going nowhere" and "Undermining an entire generation of musical accomplishment." Yet true fans dug in and kept this precious stone polished, put away for safe keeping, while the band died a slow death of artistic malnutrition over time.

But now is your chance to help revive this classic ensemble as you are invited to help Space Slacker launch into the next level of musical consciousness, at a time when the world needs more instinctual as-lib Id, less bold print ego... you know what we are talking about.

Dates for the live recording are during the month of March 2017. Please RSVP your availabilities for the months as the weekend sessions will surely reach capacity.

An inspirational banana
The publicity shoot you may have missed.
Space Slacker Studios, Montecito, CA
We have fans in strange places. .
More fruit

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